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Green Juice 101: Ashley Favorite Morning Mix


 There is no better way to start off your day than with a green juice! Loaded with nutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, juicing will get you up and at 'em, sans coffee! (ok, well maybe not right away, but soon, very soon, I promise green juice will replace that caffeinated brown liquid addiction, you'll see!) This recipe is my go-to morning juice several times a week. I tend to mix it up a bit every time depending on what I've got in the fridge, but the basic structure came from the Green Juice Guru herself, Kris Carr of  You always want the majority of your ingredients to be green veggies, and then a splash of fruit to add a little sweetness to the mix. Check out some of my everyday players below...

Ingredients: (makes 1-2 servings)

1 cucumber, peeled if not organic

4-6 leaves of organic romaine lettuce

2-6 leaves of organic kale (start easy with kale, it seriously has magical nutritional powers, but it's a bit strong. You've been warned!)

1-2 inch piece of ginger root, peeled

1-2 organic apples, depending on size and desired sweetness

Simply throw your ingredients in your juicer and you've got yourself the breakfast of champions, super heroes, and wellness warriors!

Missing one of the usual suspects listed above? Fret not my friends! Experiment and have fun! We were out of kale this morning, so we substituted spinach and parsley for a delicious new combo. Get down with your greens and make every morning a juicing par-tay! In fact make enough for two and share!


Do you have a juicing recipe you love? Please share in the comments below, I'd love to hear new suggestions!

Thanks for stopping by.


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